Pixel H

By PixelH

F is for....Fizzy water

I don't know where I would have been the past 8 months and three weeks without the fizzy stuff. I seem to go through gallons of the stuff which results in copious night time visits to the bathroom and a wee baby with hiccups.

F is also for friends and family back home who I miss like crazy. I know I'm not alone right now, far from it. I have amazing friends here who are all looking out for me as well as an amazing Mr. PH whose love and attention seems to have no bounds. I couldn't be luckier in that respect. And yet there's just something about not having my mum around during such a momentous time in my life that makes me feel quite sad.

Ah well, she'd probably just wind me up if she was here..... :-)

As for friends - I wish I was up there with Katie. She's the best mate anyone could ever have and she is going to make the best mum ever (after me of course....) :-) xxx

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