Tulip Macro


Today started sunny and slightly warm, but that didn't last! By early afternoon it was again grey and cold (though thankfully at least it hasn't rained). Terrific Easter weather eh?
Unsure what to blip today, I took a look around the garden, and finally settled on some macros of a tulip. I 'ummed' and 'aaahed' about removing the small pink and white petal which had fallen into the centre of the tulip from elsewhere but decided it made a rather nice colour contrast, so left it there!

A nice touch today was when Middy-cat, who's lived with me for about 18 months now, decided to curl up on my lap for the very first time. So I had to take a couple of snaps to commemorate the occasion ..... here he is - awwww!

Oh joy - Middy's just come in, and guess what? It's raining :(((

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