Easter donkey
The carrier came and collected the 17 store cattle and took them up to Frome. N and T followed later to have a look at what was happening at the market. The group sold well considering they were British Friesians and not for slaughter but to be fattened somewhere else. I think it helped having N and T sitting by the ringside as the auctioneer acknowledged them when introducing the cattle! We have to find some money to buy in some young stock for next year to help our cash flow. Prices are very high for purchasers but good for those wanting to sell. They did not return with anything.
I found this miniature donkey grazing with another in the churchyard this afternoon. Palm Sunday would have had a lot of these loveable animals being lead into church for the morning service all over the country but today, Good Friday, was a quiet contemplative time and they carried on eating the grass.
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