Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

April Challenge #6: Lunch

You can't make an omelette without .......
banging your head against a wall.

Omelette and salad - simple Easter Lunch you'd think.

Fussy Hollows:
Jnr Jnr - no onions, no mushrooms, no water cress, no rocket
Jnr Snr - no onions, no mushrooms, no tomatoes, no cucumber, no water cress, no rocket
Mrs H - no cheese, no ham, no tomatoes, no water cress, only a little bit rocket
Me - no cucumber

So three separate omelette cookings in a certain order to prevent cheese contamination and a manual sifting of the mixed salad to cater for the fussy women in my life. I've given up with 'just eat it' when it comes to these, it never works.

I'm just a cucumber away from being smug.

Hope you all have a Good Friday
(bowl included for KirstieG)

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