Just the Withers......

By JaneW

And nobody minded being frozen to the core....

Cheap date #2 .. £1.50 to park and a small picnic costing roughly £7.00 and some FREE blippers.....
Went to Burton Dassett hills and had the misfortune fortunate experience of meeting Vik and her adorable 4 sons... and also one of the usual suspects Pidge and the pooches.... and ALSO the lovely Horse and hound Suzi .................... it may have been freezing and it WAS but my goodness we walked those hills till our skin split and our feet bled,I am of course lying,we just romped around the hills for ages.
There was a strange mating ritual going on between my 11 year old daughter Eve and Vik's 11 year old son Tom,they got on really well straight away and this included hitting each other in the face with large sticks with mud on,pushing each other to floor and yelling 'you stink of sheep poo and it is in your hair' and 'Eve you have wild staring eyes and you are scaring me'..... you know,all that kind of thing..... I have some LOVELY photo's of them sat chatting ... I would NOT be upset to have Tom as a son in law..... then my Lucy opens her gob and it all goes down hill with talk of monkeys smashing kids in the balls (which IS a true story) ..Fin was savaged by Casper the dog...... Pepé got his lipstick out and shagged Casper,I expect to teach him a lesson..... Molly ran off to chase lambs..... no one fell in dog shit,people lay (baby bro 4) in wet sheep shit... and I have hives from the cold wind.. TOP TOP DAY !!!
Ohhh and we had a token grown up male with us,he did not get violated.... it was Suzi's husband...
oh and we had mini cakes.

p.s Bro 4 is indeed kicking bro 2 in the face.......

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