Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Raindrops keep falling...

on my cactus. Heavy shower of rain, photo opportunity.

My spanish must be getting better, yesterday hospital appointment, no english spoken by the staff, and they don't supply interpreters, not a problem, I made myself understood and they appreciated the fact that I spoke to them in their language.

Today, an electrician appeared outside our house with Dennis (Presidents other half), we have had problems with the lights in the community, Dennis does not speak any spanish, when he saw me appear with my gym bag, I was off to a spinning class, he breathed a sigh of relief, introduced me to the electrician then he disappeared. Told the electrician the problem, showed him the lights that worked and those that didn't, we had a conversation along the lines of, the timer is broken and needs to be replaced (all in spanish) he went off to his van, came back put a new timer device in the electric box, told me that the lights should come on tonight when it gets dark and he left.

Missed my spinning class, so I did 5k on the rowing machine instead.

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