Pass, This Shall Too.

By jerekelly

Sceachanna iarann.

Before the Normen came the Irish were happy enough pastoralists, roaming. Banks and ditches did, sceachs or thorny bushes were thrun into gaps. Then the upright ones came; the Normen, then the English down south and the Scots up north. They were driven mad by the sceach-in-the-gap mentality. They liked gates, fixed to upright things, as they themselves were upright. Eventually the Irish started using gates too, but refused to fix them to upright things. Gate-posts reminded us of the upright mythersome ones. Effectively, gates replaced sceachs, and were just fucked into gaps.
This is in no way a summary Chapter 5 of this marvellous book, which seems to be out of print, which makes me glad I freed a copy from a dusty room a while back.

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