Seen Daily 4

I would say that it is safe to say that here on BLIP most of us see this daily, at least in one form or another...well, this little blip has a story.

I pull into the driveway and lo and behold on the porch, a box sent via USPS. My mom? She has been sending brooches for the wedding and scarves she has made for us. Nope, it is from my friend from Kindergarten. Really? I wonder what could be in the box. It didn't take me long to open it. A note that read: TRASH? or TREASURE??

It went on to say that she found it in the back of her closet, it used to be a treasure but in light of the latest technology....If you can use it, please do. If you think you can pawn/sell it, please do. If you want to take it apart and turn it into art (she knows me), please do. If it belongs in the trash, please dispose of it. If nothing else maybe the bag (Padres) will bring a smile to your face. Funny, when I pulled the bag out, I did smile and I said, 'aw Padres'. :D

Thank you Kristie, you made my day. I don't know what to do with it. I would feel guilty to take it apart, although it is a Nikon and I am a Canon, it is nostalgia. It made me smile. Maybe a collector has use for it, or we may use it to decorate, art??? We will see. I don't even think I have any film, do they still sell film. haha!!! I know they do, somewhere!

Have a wonderful day. My day was made a little more fun today, thanks again, old friend!!!

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