
By Dawson

Home Again

Not a great shot of the new Kings Cross entrance but having arrived at 22:40 and still learning the manual settings on this camera, it will suffice. (Bit of online editing also, obviously.)

They have been working long and hard on both the lines and station for what seems like an eternity now. When I turned up about two weeks ago, I took my usual spot in front of the announcement boards like everybody else to wait for the platform number of my train to be revealed and then set off towards number seven via the side entrance as per usual, having come in the back way. Striding ahead of the crowd and quite chuffed with myself for arriving early enough for once to get a good seat, (on the always rammed last train to Cambridge) I found myself at a turnstile awaiting my fee and entrance to the Gents! Realising that the temporary wall I had been walking along for six months now must have been to shield the public from copious amounts of wall building, I embarrassedly turned to rejoin the back of the que.

Considering around thirty odd people had followed me taking their usual route, I can only assume that I must have coincidentally turned up the day this new addition to the station was unveiled.

The roof is actually flooded with purple lights and looks to my mind quite beautiful and very impressive, but seeing as I was unable to capture the light in such a way as to do it justice (as others on here already have) I decided to go with this version.

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