The odd curiosity shot

By Flipscokid


One eye's 'igher than t'other - little joke my mum used to have when we were kids. In which case everyone should be called Isaiah.

I go through phases of being amazed by the human body; sometimes I think it's funny, in an unusual kind of way. Today, I'm mostly fascinated by eyes. Aren't they clever little things?

When I was a teenager, the optician said if he were to design a pair or eyes, mine would be the ones. Think he'd still agree, am very grateful for having perfect sight. Though at 32, I'm sure things can only go downhill from here.

I promised myself I'd get some work done today. Instead I'm sorting stuff for tomorrow's trip to the 'friendly' half of the country. Some spectacular work avoidance tactics being deployed here, I can tell you.

I won't mention the weather, expect people are bored with that now!

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