In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


We kept falling for what seemed like an eternity, but was, no doubt just a few seconds.
We had no idea where we were going to land, or even when. Alas we did not have any time to think about landing or the preparation thereof, as just then, land we did.
Any thought we might have had of landing on a veritable solid surface like hard earth or, heaven forbid, concrete, which could have caused us both great pain and probably some broken bones, and that would have slowed right down any escape we needed from the haunting spectre.
Nor did we land on grass, nor mud, nor sand.
We did land though with a massive "SPLASH!" and we sunk down and down into the murky wet depths of a foul smelling pond. Gaining our senses swiftly before our lung filled with the disgusting water, we managed to turn our bodies over and swam upwards, breaking the surface and gulping in the cool air not a moment too soon.
" Swim Petra," i cried, " Swim."
"I am , but in which direction ?"
"This way, or that way, it makes no difference. Can you spot the banks?" I asked.
" Not sure." she stammered, now feeling the effects of not only of the cold, but of all the running we had been doing.
" Okay then follow me, " I stated.
And so we both swam until we felt the ground beneath our feet, and paddled and crawled until we were finally clear of the water.
Exhausted, we lay tight up against each other, and fell immediately asleep.
How long we lay there, shivering in slumber, I do not know.
Not long I imagine. Not as long as we needed. But we rested, and then as we both stirred, simultaneously, our eyes were drawn to above us, and there we saw a winged creature sitting atop a large stone structure. Was it an angel? Was it devil? Are we dead?
No, but we appeared to be in a place full of the dead.
A graveyard.

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