Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Happy Birthday Crystal!

Today is Crystal's 24th birthday. Wow! How did that happen?

I had hoped to be up north for her b-day, but no such luck. At least Marya will arrive there tomorrow. Yea!

Today is a day of feeling so nervous for the folks in the way of Hurricane Ike. A lot of people don't think that HAARP has much to do with it, but I do. At any rate, I am sure praying some wonderful miracle will slow this thing down.

Aw...Crystal!! Twenty-four years of knowing you...I have nothing to complain about that is for sure.

Fact is, I am pretty sure today is a good day to count the blessings.

One thing though, I learned last night that if one is a vegetarian for years and decides to have a whole Reuben sandwich...the next day is not a day of happy-happy-joy-joy. Ouch! Never again...I am back to being veggie, I guess. (But it tasted oh so good)

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