
By NickMog


Horatio always wanted to be a pirate. Even as a pup, he was fascinated by tales of treachery, treason and treasure.

He was also a sucker for alliteration.

Now that he has realised his dream, he is the happiest dog alive.

The other pirates find this enthusiasm slightly embarrassing. When Captain Blood calls for a volunteer to give someone the Black Spot or to go and lift his leg on the Excise men's trousers, it is always Horatio's paw that is first to be raised.

Horatio's piratical attitude (pirattitude) is best summed up by his scarf. No other pirate would be seen dead wearing this but "Horrifying" (the nickname which, with his love of alliteration and lack of imagination, he vainly tries to get the rest of the crew to call him) loves it.

As I say, slightly embarrassing.

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