my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Sure as eggs is eggs

Came home and saw my girls briefly before they went from one nana to one grandad.

Half term is a busy time for me so it means I don't get to see the girls as much as I like. I'm hoping to book Thursday off so I can have a few straight days with them and they can just chill at HOME.

Felt a bit sad tonight after the nice weekend (over analyse? Who me???) so I did what any self respecting Pinterest addict does and got crafty. Easter crafty.

I bought a million onions some brown, some red and boiled their skins.

I stuck some leaves on some eggs and left them to soak in the dye from the skins.

And in an alarming fucking metaphor for my life - as sure as eggs is eggs...things changed.

However...the result was good.

Fingers crossed.

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