New House!

Here it is, our new house.
We just got the keys tonight.

This is the previously once-loved pride & joy, now extremely unkempt garden featuring the house in the background & a ghostly Ferguson reeking havoc with the new (seemingly quiet) neighbors at centre stage....

"Our" house is the one in the middle of this photo & was previously two back to back cottages which has now made into one big one, so there are really two front doors. There is also quite a bit of roughness round the edges & it does require some degree of TLC but hopefully that will evolve & I hope i won't get too annoyed with the little niggles that I'm unable to change right away.

I'm only really concerning myself with the inside confides of the house, this wild & rugged land is Alexander's domain.

This marks the end of an era with my current home, having moved here some 8 or so years ago living such a very different life.

So much has changed in that time, in every aspect of my life. Despite still maintaining the mortgage, I will no longer call this house my "home". I wonder how I will feel on Friday when I make the goodbye to my very first own home & one in which my little F has only known in his lifetime.
Only time will tell.

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