just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms

Not laughing

What's the connection between Spitting Image, a door knocker and this thoughtful Cavalier? The connection is a dear friend of my partner, Pete Wells. That's the name of the friend, not my partner! There's enough false rumours already without adding another.

Pete worked on the original sculptures for Spitting Images, from which the latex models were cast, created the talking door knocker in the film Labyrinth, and made this little chap. He has such a wistful look, as if always thinking something we will never know.

It was a day for thoughts like that. Peter Pan didn't fly, but did those chores that he needed to do before running out of energy and sitting wistfully in his usual chair with a Take-It-Easy coffee!

At least he's got a camera free of dust bunnies now. He thinks. Mind you, if it snows, you'll never tell.

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