The Things We Do...
Evening all,
Great day today!! Finished nightshift. Handsome Boy was getting taken into town with his sisters which meant Mamma G and me had a free whatever we want.....and what do we do....yeah, we shop for our kids and Granddaughter lol ;0)
We had a good day at Ocean terminal in Edinburgh. Handmade Burgers for lunch, highly recommended, beautiful !! Got bits and bobs for them all .....Mini G got a new climbing frame and shute.....oh and the star pressie.....a brush and shovel !!!!! ;0)
nisi dominus frustra - Unless the lord is with us, it is
in vain. Above one of the doorways in Cramond Kirk, stopped off on the way to Ocean Terminal !!! ;0)
Off to bed now....nightshift does that to you......sorry if I dont answer your blips tonight but I will be straight on them in the morning.....make them good 'uns !!!!! ;0)
Have a great evening......Mondays behind us now !!!! ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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