A confused genius

By Lez11

Monday Banter

Work was a good laugh today after Abu told everybody that he woke up in a shop door at 8am Saturday after a night up Birmingham with me. What was good is that Abu now feels part of the team after all the banter today. What did come to light was everytime we go out after work I'm always the last man standing and others with me end up doing something stupid or funny. Maybe its time I start acting my age and stop thinking I'm in my early 20's again.

Last night my mate Gem tweeted me to say she is organising a night out to the cinema to watch Huntergames which I'm really looking forward to. I honestly can't remember the last time I went to the cinema or what I watched.

My sister got me a birthday card (pic) for my brothers 30 birthday which is on the 5th April. I can't believe my brother turns 30th in a couple of days as i stll see him as my little brother, or mush as I call him.

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