Loping along

Wonderful day. I did some more spring cleaning this morning and the headed out to enjoy the warm sun. I went to Oare Marshes to see what was about and what a bounty! This shot shows one of the herons loping along with a wingtip in the water - there were three herons in one pond alone and a further two or three moving between different pools. I saw an egret too and a pair of avocets and a large number of black-tailed godwits and while I was soaking it all up a mink* swam along the ditch at my feet.

If anyone is in the area I cannot recommend Oare Marshes highly enough - far from the hustle and bustle; no traffic noise - just bird song. It's on the Swale estuary so there are sea sights as well as the salt marshes and fresh water scrapes. This bad boy works best in big.

*Edited as I'm told it's a mink not an otter

Monday has been a doozy and there are only three working days left so if you haven't already celebrated I'd suggest that now is a good time to go for it!

PS - My friend Pokeybagel has joined the bliposphere. Pop over and say 'hello' and keep an eye on her because she's a very good photographist indeedy!

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