Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


After work today Kaho and I went straight to UIBE to meet up with a whole bunch of people to have dinner and go to a karaoke bar afterwards.

We had dinner at a nice Chinese restaurant near university where we tried to fit too many people into one room. Penny ordered all the food for us and the meal was delicious. Only thing was that we had a too small table and too much different kinds of food. Somehow I got in charge of serving out the soup. That took me a while and made that I had to hurry eating the rest of my dinner because apparently we had to catch a bus.

We went to the karaoke bar D5 something. Only thing was that we reserved a room for only six people and we were already with eleven. So Joanna decided it was a good idea to smuggle the rest of the people in. They probably won't remember which foreign girl was already in or gotten out. They made a whole plan and a big fuss about it. After 10 minutes and no problems or checks or anything, we were all in.

The karaoke was amazing!! We had a big room with two tables in it and I think four couches. One big karaoke machine, one big tv and two microphones. I loved it! And I definitely want to do it again. We were there for two hours and spent the whole evening singing (aka screaming) along with the songs and dancing to them. We even sang along to a Chinese song, which had the words 'I believe' in it. It was a whole bunch of fun :)

After two hours we had to leave the bar and we went back to the university by cab (because it was too late and there were no more busses). We went back to the AIESEC office where Kaho and I would spent the night, so we don't have to get up that early tomorrow.
The AIESEC office of UIBE.. Well, let's just say: I can not compare it to the Dutch one.. Not at all. We were really glad that a girl from Italy was there as well. She started cleaning and made the bed for us. She even put a cookie on our pillow! I was also really glad I brought the cover (lakenzak) that I got from my in-laws ;) I talked to the Italian girl a lot. And we went to bed quite late.. about 2 o'clock. The bed was very cold and I just wasn't sleepy anymore..

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