'Dib, Dib, Dib'

Today I was mostly working on my 'don't be so bloody selfish' badge.

When I joined the post office cue this morning, it was snaking around the pavement. After 5 minutes the post mistress informed us that the cumputers had crashed (probably due to the shocking news that the price of stamps is rising to an unreasonable amount) and that she was shutting the post office.

This left me and a couple of disgruntled ladies wondering what to do.

They were aged 81 and 84.

I'm not sure what came over me, but I I assured them I wasn't a crazy person and pushed them into the back of the car with the promise of a lift the another post office and back. I'm glad I did and they were glad they did.

We all felt good, we all felt that this sort of thing should happen more often.

We moaned about society and lack of community and laughed about how you could angle a coffin into the lift of a high rise flat! Don't ask.

They wanted my name and address, but I didn't give it as I didn't want to run the risk of receiving a undeserved postal order. Thank you ladies for making me less selfish for a day.

Oh, and in other news, I (sorry we/me and Opendoor) won £81 on the Lottery.

Now we can buy a rug to replace the one Harry's poo was on....Happy days.

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