James' day

By jimmyteach


There is also teabag in the cup. But in the meantime say hello to teabag the cat. She has never actually left the home she's always lived in, despite me moving in, her owner moving out. She watched my father do loads of work to the house, sleeping in the grass outside whenever she could but never actually moving with her owner.
And just as I'm addicted to tea (the drink), she has become addicted to television. She gazes at it from the bed and has developed a keen interest in the goings-on in Walford, top gear and anything that Sir David Attenborough has made that involves small furry creatures, there are smaller than her. One of the funniest sights I have seen is her1 growling at the television whilst watching his recent programme on birds. She also has an intense dislike for the Whiskas cat selling meaty chunks.
Who knew something so small could produce such a sound, she is very funny.
In an attempt to get her and Shakespeare acting civilly towards each other, and not that hiss fest that it currently is, I have bought a plug in that is meant to calm cats down. Fingers crossed it works? I shall keep you posted.

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