Rough patch
This mess is round the side of our house. It's north east facing and shaded by a wall in the foreground too and lots of big trees on the right of the shot, so not much good for growing anything fun.
I've been feeling rather low lately (the legal battle I was whinging on about a few days ago is really getting me down) and I am just worn out. So I cheered myself up with a little nap this afternoon and then an hour's hard digging - clearing all the weeds (seems the nettles don't mind a bit of shade) and digging over some of the plot. Nothing like a bit of hard work to clear your head. (I think the pound of fudge I made and have all but devoured might have helped a bit too.)
Tomorrow's job is to get rid of all the junk at the top end (including the leaning bin which is currently hiding a dead crow from the kids). Mostly this space will end up filled up with scaffolding from Mr B's site but I'm hopeful there'll be some space for some optimistic hostas and other shade lovers. Mr B has drawn the line at ferns, which he is convinced attract flies, but if anyone's got any ideas for shade lovers, let me know!
Oh, and anyone got any idea what that big grassy thing is at the front? I don't remember planting it but it doesn't look like a weed.
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