an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Blue Sky Pouncing

Just as I was starting to feel human again and hoping to get a decent nights sleep Girl decided to wake in the night and shout for me. She did this repeatedly for about an hour with me going in to see her. I eventually got fed up and told her off, at which point she said sorry, told me her tummy hurt and then threw up on the rug.

So not only did I feel terrible and lose massive Dad points but it looks like I have may have passed on the bug. She did though brighten up quickly and go back to sleep. Also this morning she was full of beans so maybe she was going to be fine.

We had a nice walk in the sun before going out for the afternoon to meet some family at Portchester Castle. It was good to see the little ones charge around and have fun with grandparents and older cousins. Boy was particularly confident and enjoyed really getting stuck in with the fun for the first time, rolling around and laughing with the cousins.

As we pulled up in the car at home Girl was unwell again. It may have been the car journey though I am not sure. Added to this Wife has now started to feel unwell. This could be due to experiencing Girls illness in the car or the in fact the dreaded bug is starting to take the rest of the clan.

This illness has to have been one of the worst I have ever experienced. I think I have lost almost a stone in the last five days. I really hope Wife and the little ones are not getting it, but looking back at this photo maybe Wife is coming down with something, though it could just be the standard husband irritation.

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