Never knowingly underengineered
The slightly cooler, cloudy start soon gave way to another gloriously sunny day. Some garden planning, some planting of seeds and lots of standing around making admiring noises as Mr B fitted me a garden tap.
The main activity of the day was building a teepee for Conor. Of course, he was not much interested in the hard work end of things, and just wanted to be called over when it was all done. Here's Mr B's careful tying of the poles together. It is now covered in a blue tarp with a yellow blanket for a door. The kids have already constructed a little fire outside (which they have promised to never try and light) complete with ashes from the bonfire piles for authenticity. All camping cook pots have been requisitioned - despite a long discussion about whether American Indians would have had metal - and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they ask to sleep in there.
I feel we're getting a good start on the lazy hazy crazy days of summer.
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