
By LeeAnne

Thrupenny bits...

This is a bracelet that belongs to my Mum. I think maybe my Dad made it for her but I can't remember, I'll ask her tomorrow. I'd forgotten I had it until tonight when on a whim I decided I'd clean all my jewellery. I only ever wear silver so I got out the Silvo and a polishing cloth and set to work. I had a bit of a rake and found the bracelet so decided I'd clean that too. Then I found a little bag of thrupenny bits that I bought to replace the ones that have been lost over the years. They needed holes drilled in them which is why I'd never done anything with them. However, after taking a silver-smithing course a few years ago I have all the bits to do it myself so tomorrow, I'm going to spend some time drilling holes in them and attaching them to the bracelet.

It made me smile, I love old things I may have mentioned that once or twice and tonight I googled them to see what it said and in fact the ones pre 1947 are worth 40 times the face value because they're made with some silver. Pre 1920 are worth double that again as they are sterling silver, that's if I read it right, it's late! The oldest one on the bracelet is from 1861 (the one at the top right) and the newest is 1941. The oldest one is my favourite as it's really thin and feels nice. I like things that feel nice. There are a couple of really thin ones in the bag but the dates have gone so I can't tell how old they are. I might buy a can of coke and see if it does the same job on making them shine properly, I remember doing that with coppers and they came out spanking but that was a very long time ago... anyone know if it still works?

I hope it rains tomorrow today in fact cause it's now ridiculous o'clock. Then I won't feel so bad doing something indoors (and I'll have the added bonus of some new puddles on Monday!)

Thank you for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts on my pipe smokers from yesterday or today since I've not been to sleep yet, you got them to the spotlight page which I'm sure they'll be delighted with if they use my blipcards to check out their moment of celeblipity! You're all ace!

EDIT: I've polished and added all the new coins... you can see it here if you want to.

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