
By CharChar

Lesson learnt

Today I woke up in a lovely big bed all to myself this was soon ruined when I moved my head and realised I wasn't very well!! Hungover might be the best word to use!

Met Trace for breakfast, saw a few of the others who were also looking worse for wear! The breakfast was yummy and shorted me out short term! We had to get the train back from Solihull to Stourbridge I was slowly feeling worse! When I got home I had to have an emergency nap!

My alarm went off at 1230 this is because I was off to receive my punishment for speeding! I arrived at the speed awareness course a bit scared I was going to have to explain my reasons for speeding but luckily I didn't get picked on! The course did actually scare me slightly because just 2mph over the speed limit in a 30 could kill a child as we saw in a video clip! I have learnt a lot today it's quite worrying the things that I did learn that I should have already known! My speeding days are over!

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