Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

I is for Intuition

I is for Intuition!

The intuition I'm talking about is the sense you get when walking in a busy place, for example Cardiff today, somebody is walking towards you and you go one away and they go the other to avoid each other. What are those subtle messages which take place in the brain to avoid these clashes? Of course every now and again it does get scrambled and you both take the same path. The human brain is a fascinating thing!

Went to the theatre again today and saw an Inspector Calls, it was great to see the theatre full, the play is one of those studied by schools, so there were quite a few buses full of kids enjoying it. Great entertainment!

And to top it all today I hear the mighty Neath have gone to Pontypridd today and beaten them, who would have thought that after last Saturday.

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