Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Red paint on a blank canvass

Woke up at 5am and dozed but finally gave in to the inevitable and got up at 6am. I have this inbuilt alarm clock called tinnitus that wakes me up almost every day.

The only real antidote is to keep busy. I describe tinnitus as red paint. When you wake up in the morning your mind is a blank canvas and the red paint stands out. If you get up and start doing things it is just one colour amongst many and you don't notice it so much.

Can be a bit exhausting though.

Managed to get some petrol for my nearly empty tank (the moronic panic buyers had finally realised that they don't have to listen to the moronic government advice, and there were a few pumps open this morning), so was able to go and see Aged P. We went to Tunbridge Wells and had lunch and got cold. So I bought the jumper that you see in this picture. I also bought some dental flossing sticks.

Hope the dramatic pace of this narrative isn't too much for you. I wouldn't want you to get too excited.

If you want to see something really interesting try this video of an interview with top landscape photographer Jim Brandenburg and his views on the new Nikon D800. I want one of those ...

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