End of term

I went to work early because I had lots of admin to do. Shortly after 9 am whilst in the kitchen making a cup of tea, a colleague came into the kitchen to ask who was taking my lecture today. I'd completely forgotten that it was me. So much for getting the admin done. I managed to tackle through quite a lot of it after lunch. My head was buzzing when I got home. I'd spent hours working on spreadsheets with very small font.
I was greeted by the smell of egg and bacon. My son and daughter #1 had finished school at lunchtime and had treated themselves to a big old fry up. Shortly before 5pm, I found him on his bed fast asleep.
My son had a piano lesson and after picking him up, we grabbed a couple of pizzas from domino's. He's going on a school trip tomorrow for a few days and needs to be at school by 7am. At 10 pm, he still hadn't packed and came downstairs to tell me that he needs a packed lunch for the trip. I had no food in the house at all. I was not a happy bunny and stormed off to the supermarket to buy some food.

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