A place in time

By Verbosa

Homeward bound

A truly manic day at work today. It was a full-on, all day, no stopping for lunch ("lunch is for wimps" is that?), totally crazy sort of day. So very glad when I finally left and toddled home tonight as I was totally shattered.

Walked to work today as it was forecast to be a lovely day - which it looked like it was (as I peered out of the windows occasionally) - and with the threat of the petrol shortages looming.

So, with my nose to the setting sun I toddled slowly home.

And yes, I DID want this photo to appear bleached out with the sun, although I guess if I'd had a starburst filter I could have really gone to town with the effect...? But this was just how it appeared as I neared home (which is uphill, you understand, not a dodgy camera angle).

I think a glass of red with dinner (tea, supper, evening meal...whatever your persuasion) beckons...

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