A place in time

By Verbosa

Another alley

A beautiful day today and a quick trip along the river to visit a different watering hole to celebrate Mary-in-Quarantine's birthday. So a swift glass of dry white with a fantastic halloumi & grapfruit salad, while sitting on a bench in the sun with "the girls".

I did snap a couple of possibilities of people enjoying the sun as there seemed to be people sitting on every available snatch of grass, and the blue sky/people picnic-ing scenario fair gladdened the heart.

But instead, I opted for this little alley shot. Not sure what it's called, so I will try to find out, but I got left behind from the other girls going back to the office with my blipping and had to mince as fast as I could to catch up and it took me about half a mile as I kept stopping to blip along the way!

And yes, I have got a cold, but only a slightly damp one rather than full "man 'flu".

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