
By JillyMint

Walking on water

Best viewed LARGE (it is much sharper than this in real life- honest!)

The coots are still warring. The 8 pairs have very clearly defined areas and heaven help any coot that strays one cm over the line (which they do quite regularly - and on purpose I think!).
This was taken at 8am this morning on the way to work. I popped up to see if the grebes had built a nest yet but couldn't see any signs of one ; they were both still lolling around in the centre of the reservoir.
I can't use the reservoir at weekends because I have found out that a consortium of fisherman have rented it from the farmer and they don't want anyone else up there while they fish. Hmmm I'm thinking of taking up fishing....
Off on another jaunt with Helen tomorrow - this time it is my birthday present to her (Feb birthday). It's a secret - you'll see tomorrow!!

Canon 5D; 180mm; ISO200; f/7.1; 1/800"

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