An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

What a Palaver.....!!!

Picture the scene - My house. 9.00am . This morning.

D already off to work at 7.30 (very, VERY stressed as today is end point of this particular phase one of a HUGE work project - next phase starts Monday....and he wasn't in yesterday due to being at Alan's new school).

Alan off to school.

Me, sitting in the car ready to reverse out of the driveway, full of the joys as only working for 3 hours then stopping for 2 weeks annual leave. Mobile phone rings.

ME - Hello
Man (with very strong English accent) - 'Ello Luv. I'm outside yer 'ouse wiv a kitchen table for ya but you ain't 'ere.
ME -Glancing over shoulder at the empty street, confused - Err, outside my house?
MAN - Yeah luv, your 'ouse! Where are ya?
ME (the penny dropping that the Victorian farmhouse kitchen table I had ordered from an antique shop in Gloucestershire has duly arrived at the other house!) - Erm....I'm about 30 minutes away. I didn't know you were coming.
MAN - Didn't she phone ya? I have no idea who she is!
ME - No
MAN - Sorry luv, but we're 'ere now.
ME - If I leave now, can you wait till I get there. Be just over half an hour?
MAN - Yeah, no problem luv.

So, brain quickly reshuffles my plans for the day.....go to house, get table into kitchen, head back and start work later than planned, still be finished for Alan getting home early from school. Doable! Right! Let's go!

NOT SO FAST YOUNG LADY............who's that coughing at the back?! I may not be young or a lady but that's beside the point!

Suddenly remembered that I don't have a key for the house as for strange reasons known only to himself D had both keys for the house with him. And he's an hour away from it! Arrggghhhh!!!

Frantic phone call to D to see if he could make his way to the house with the keys and I would meet him there and stand guard over the table till he arrived. To say he was not a happy bunny is putting it mildly.

Got there to be met by two gentlemen who looked like Onslow's uglier brothers (but very nice they were). I paid the delivery charge, waved them adieu and admired my table, sitting there on the driveway awaiting hubby's arrival.

And half an hour later arrive he did. Old Thunder Face. Didn't think it was the right moment to say "well you're the one who took my key" ;-))

Between us we managed to huckle the very heavy table into the kitchen and in the blink of an eye he was gone again, but this time leaving my key! I stayed long enough to take a few shots of my new (old) table! :-)

So, despite its inauspicious arrival, I am delighted with it! Just what I wanted. An old, well used and pre-loved kitchen table, the same age as the house, that we can add our scratches and spillages to as well as memories of friends and family gathered round it in the joy of sharing a meal (or just wine and nibbles.....and CAKE!) :D

Oh and I have since received an apology from D for being an old sour puss a grumpy old man. :-))

Have a great weekend Blip Pals...I am now on holiday from work for two whole weeks!

Woo hoo...............Gone y'ersel Madge :-))

Some of our most exquisite murders have been domestic, performed with tenderness in simple, homey places like the kitchen table. Alfred Hitchcock :-)))

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