Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Strait talk

Today's lunchtime I took in the city's centre together with a class mate just before our exams and as we sat down talking over the theories we'd be questioned about a camera team and politician walked by. Mr. Pechtold gave an interview on his action in Parliament today - questioning the government on the issue of looking away from the discriminatory reports on the Eastern Europeans in our country what is initiated by the rightwing party PVV and this sick party is accepted as a support by the two governing parties in coalition. These weeks the tolerance either of the three parties have for one another is cracking and Pechtold is one of the politicians eager to help this coalition fall apart. It will be a big relief if his action of today helped to reach that goal!

* the reading  done earlier this week was helpful as I passed the exams and so did my fellow classmates; we're qualified aid assistents now

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