
By AprilJane

Charities Day #2

This is what the hall looks like on Charities Day. It smells overpoweringly of Haribo with popcorn on the side.

Went to see the parade this morning - unbelievably they make the children who haven't dressed up stand behind a fence and don't let them join in! They grip on to the wire fence, watching, like something from Letter to Breshnev. Sad really, seeing as dressing up isn't for everyone, especially when the theme is Kings and Queens and a lot of the girls had just dressed in party dresses and tiaras - there isn't a boy equivalent for that and all but two of the onlookers were boys.

Anyway, there were some great costumes and the parade was lovely as usual. Went back for Al's stall at 10, he and his friends did a great job and sold out, which made them feel good.

Jeremy came and they were very happy to see him. So did Chris. Its the only time they will both be doing it together as Al only joined Juniors this year and Betsy will be gone by next year. We went home for lunch and then back for Betsy's stall in the afternoon. The whole school has a carnival atmosphere as children just either man their stalls or roam the school going on each others, wandering around wherever they like and eating, eating, eating, eating. By the time we got back Al had picked up a cloak and a crown from somewhere. At one point I saw him sitting on a bench, deep in conversation with a teacher. I would love to know what they were talking about.

Jeremy stayed to come to pick up and for some games in the garden. Another boiling hot day.

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