Mrs Cyclops

By MrsCyclops


Yay, Cyclops is back.

And here is a giraffe, from by the Omni centre.

Went to see a preview of Pineapple Express this evening. Here's the official summary: A stoner and his dealer are forced to go on the run from the police after the pothead witnesses a cop commit a murder.

It is by the guys who did Knocked up and Superbad, both of which I found fairly amusing. Didn't really get this one though, it was a bit too slapstick and not enough clever. I would say the majority of the audience didn't agree though based on the raucous laughter, and on the way out I overheard one guy say "Judd Apatow is a genius" so he must have liked it.

On the way back I had the pleasure of sitting in the middle of an argument on the bus. Several teenagers were scattered about the lower deck, screaming at each other. One held a toddler, one held a dog the size of a horse, the other two were shouting very naughty words. Apparently one didn't approve of who the other was sleeping with and the other two didn't want their dog / child antagonised so were shouting naughty words also. When the first one got off the bus, the other shouted after her "why don't you just go home and cut yourself" - accompanied by a mimed demonstration through the window. Nice kids.

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