drawing with film

By drawingwithfilm


and a couple of bluebells
actually you cant really see the bluebells.

she looked like an ordinary woman
stood there looking into the garden at the first bluebells.
most people glanced and walked on by.
the bus was late. there had been an incident further down the road
so the bus was late.
he paced up and down by the bus stop trying not to let his impatience get the better of him.
everything was going wrong, couldnt believe it one thing after another and now the bloody bus was late and it was too far to walk for him to be on time.
he paced and impatiently looked around him, noticed the woman standing staring into the garden. what the hell was she staring at. impatiently he paces closer and looks. he sees the shadow. he looks at the woman. he looks back at the shadow. stares. quickly turns and walks off to the next bus stop up the road. half way there the late bus turns up. he misses it.

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