Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

The Trouble with Stir Fry...

...is that for about 3 minutes, you can not hear what is going on in the next room above the noise of the sizzling pan. I thought he was sitting on the sofa watching Pooh Bear. I was wrong. The bottom three shelves no longer have books on them. I walked in to the room, walked straight back out again, did the silent scream then took myself swiftly to the back of the house while muttering the serenity prayer under my breath, and promptly phoned up husband for a minute long marathon of expletives. Husband said all the right things, told me that Boo was tired and needed some attention, told me to turn off the hob and forget the dinner for a while - calmed me right down so that I was composed enough to walk back in to the room, over look the mess and ask Boo if he would like to choose one of the books that he had pulled off the shelf to read together. He chose 'practical tips for all', a 1930's guide to just about everything, including how to spot an emergency vehicle, how to iron a shirt, how much fresh orange juice to give your newborn (!!?), how to manage the house and kids so that it is all in a beautiful state when husband walks through the door (HA!), priceless stuff really. Boo enjoyed it, and all is restored to normality. Very grateful for husband this evening. Sleep tight x

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