The Water Meadows

Took the dog in the blazing sun today along one of my favourite walks - the Water Meadows. It's usually very muddy there, but not today after the recent mini heat wave - just scorched earth.

Difficult to photo this area - as finding a good position to compose the photo is tricky - short of standing in the middle of the river. Most trees here are still bare of leaves, and I was not very happy with what I took. I could have chosen the close up of a single (not a host) golden daffodil - or the ducks - except they ran away as soon as I got near enough to snap them. The Willow tree is in leaf and looks lovely with its drooping branches.

But I chose in the end this row of pollarded trees along the opposite river bank. Not the best angle on them, but they do sum up what the meadows are all about.

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