Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Feeling Fooey again.

Another awful night, more for Jim than me as he was on Carys duty, although believe me William wasn't going to be left out of the crying, screaming and moaning. After some Neurofen C perked up no end, but I still thought I would visit the GP with her.

C ended up with AB's for a discharging ear infection, yuk. Hoping it will help her chest too as she is really productive, but I know we wouldn't have got AB's for just that. GP seemed really quite uninterested in her rash, despite Scarlet fever, slapped cheek and chicken pox doing the rounds. Not that bothered, but Scarlet fever is notifiable, so think she could have taken it a bit more seriously and actually looked rather than dismiss it as heat rash ( I know it has been warm but really, that warm?).

Anyway, full of beans C went to school, only for me to get a phonecall two hours later that they wanted to send her home as she was crying with pain. Now I knew it must be bad because this school only sends kids hone if they are actually throwing up! Bless her, she was very subdued, but once the calpol kicked in she was full of beans again, although still snuffly and her face is puffy with a couple of suspicious looking spots.

It is wearing off again now and she is looking very pale. I really hope she has a goodnight for everyone's sake. Then comes the decision of school or no school. She wants to go as her party invites are done and readyto give out, but I am not sure that is good enough reason to go in. We'll see. Hope she improves as we are supposed to be heading North on Saturday to see my new nephew for the first time. However if C is still like this or any of the rest of us catch the lergy I can see that trip being cancelled. Boo!

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