What Captures My Interest

By Erikalv

Mega Millions

Its called Mega Millions and the Jackpot is $365,000,000. What the hell would I do with $365 million dollars (minus taxes of course)? I bought 7 tickets tonight which means I have 7 chances to win. I rarely play....I think I've bought tickets once in the last year but like everyone else.....I dream and dream. What would I do with that kind of money? Would I blow it and not have anything to show for it or would I actually use it wisely? Hmmmmm only time will tell if I'm a winner. Wish me luck!

Oh wait! First thing I would do is buy me some bad ass camera gear. Yup that's what I would do lol.

Update: obviously did not win the jackpot but I did win $2 (woohoo!).

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