The Last Hurrah

Our last night in the Sunshine State. And what a fine day and night it was. It got up to 88, but with low humidity, felt pretty good.

We went to the ocean twice today. On the way out to take a walk this morning, we always go by this crazy guys house. Mermaids, flamingos, a giant sun. You know the type. Colorful. Eccentric. He has a large chalk board on his shed, with a weekly saying on it. We always have to slow down to see it. Today it read..."I NEED TO GO TO WALMART...BUT I CAN'T FIND MY PAJAMAS!!!

After a huge chuckle...we again had our argument. One of the stupid things on my bucket list was to go to Walmart (or any store) in my jammies. Just like the kids do. I have plenty of pairs of really nice looking outdoorsy-type flannel pants.

It happened this winter. My son-in-law Doug slid off the expressway during a storm. He called us at 11:30 p.m. Since we were already in bed, I jumped in my van in my pajamas. Lisa got dressed. We dropped him off, and I thought it would be good to have a tow rope in the morning. It was 11:50 p.m. Walmart closed at midnight.

I argue that I was in a public place, a store, in my jammies. Cross it off the list. Lisa argues that it doesn't count because there was nobody in the store. "How can I regulate what hours people shop?"

The sunset was so-so, but what a beautiful night. Nice temp...nice breeze. Cheerleaders doing splits in the air, wake-boarders flying out to meet the waves, families posing for pictures, and this brother and sister doing a little wading. A lot of people at a public beach. I know it's corny, but I love it when the crowd claps as the sun disappears.

We're outta here tomorrow, and I'm outta here now to finish packing. So long to Florida for this year.

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