
Tonight is not really a night that I care to remember but it's had such a profound effect on me, I just couldn't let it pass without getting it off my chest.

Getting home discovering an oil leak on my car was rubbish in itself but then dealing with my little boy's horror & hysteria that Mummy was home from work & the stark realisation that he had to stay with her when Daddy left was devastating. Making it clear to Mummy, begging her in fact, to allow him to go with Daddy, then pleading for her to take him to Daddy because he doesn't want to be with her anymore, only Daddy. Feeling that strongly about it, that he can't bear to kiss, hug or even consider eye contact with Mummy apart from when he tells her he doesn't like her & then falls asleep sobbing after Daddy with his back to her on the living room floor.

I carried him up to bed with so much love & tenderness that it almost broke my heart to think he had been hurting that way.
I took his clothes off & he turned over with a soft snore - hopefully a much less troubled sleep faces him.

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