Let There Be Light

By solli


Blue Jay ~ Cyanocitta cristata

It's another cold and windy day and I had to put the birding on hold to do the laundry, shopping and faxing. The sparrows and the red finches dominated the feeders but around 5pm I spotted Mrs. Steal Your Nest. She is really quite innocent looking with big wide eyes; one would never take her for a ruthless and unrepentant squatter. Her partner, the Cowbird also showed up and I found myself devising many mad plans to prevent them from upsetting my birding kingdom. I'll be patroling the bushes at the very least since quite a few birds build their nests in them.

The cardinals flew in at 7pm, but light is fading fast and my wine glass is half empty now so it's time to relax, put away the day and browse through your journals.

Hope you all have a good evening!

* I changed the photo.

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