Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Cue pigeons!!!


Sums up my day.... no one doing what I want.
I always pictured this shot with pigeons flying out of the windows.
Only had time for a quick blip at lunchtime so could not wait for those pesky birds.

Today Gorgeous Fella finished 19 consecutive night shifts. He is moving house and so has 6 nights off which will mainly be spent at mine, the attractions being (amongst others ;-)) a full larder and home cooking.

This requires tidying up as he is neat and clean and I am...... untidy.

I got home from work with 45mins to get my house in order (yes I could have done it yesterday but that would have required organisation and interferred with Heron stalking)
The boys were lounging about having deposited their belongings all over the place and managed to spill milk all over the inside of the fridge and on the kitchen floor!!!!
Within 5 mins they were running for cover!

Got back from a meeting at 10pm so no time for comments will catch up tomorrow.

Thanks for all the lovely feedback on yesterdays offering.
Much appreciated

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