through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


So I have this friend. In Taiwan. 14+ hours plane ride away, across the world.

And in this world of technology, we've been handwriting letters to each other for about 2 years and a half now. It has always amazed my friends here in America and probably his friends in Taiwan how long we have kept this up. Thought technology would make it easy for us to chat online or webcam, but time difference made it a challenge the first year.

We met in June 2009 when I became his English tutor through my aunt and his mother. After I came back to America, we tried emails, facebook, Taiwan blogs to keep in touch so I can continue to help him with his English, and him to help me with my Chinese but time difference made it hard! I then suggested letters in 2010.

Today I received another one of his letter and this time, it contained a small birthday present. It was definitely something to cheer me up today and probably for the rest of this stressful week.

Now, after three years, I'm finally going back to Taiwan in July. How interesting it would be to meet him again since we both changed SO much...!
But I cannot wait, nonetheless, to get to know you again, not with words, but face to face.


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