Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Family and scary wheels falling from the sky.

Father in law goes home tomorrow.

We met up with his brother (blue shirt) and his wife. His brother in law who was married to his sister(she recently passed away) and her daughter.

I think you can see the resemblances within the family and I think my eldest son is going to be the spit of his great uncle as he gets older.

My father in law and brother probably won't meet again due to health issues. Very sad.

It was a lovely afternoon and it was great to meet some of the family who are spread so far and wide that I last saw my husbands uncle 15 years ago and had never met his cousin.

I drove separately from my husband as he carried onto London as they were scattering the sisters ashes.

On my way home the front drivers wheel flew off the tatters van a few vehicles in front on the motorway. I watched it fly up and bounce and then head for my car. Through luck and no judgement I just watched it and amazingly drove under it's arc and it bounced again just behind me. All I could think was "that's going to hit me and my baby is in the car". I was penned in by vehicles on either side and could not change lanes. The tatters truck pulled into the hard shoulder with sparks coming from his axle.

I am not sure what happened behind me but the motorway was closed for a time. I hope that whoever was effected are ok.

It has really shaken me up and I was shaking and crying in the car. Luckily it was on the junction I get off so got off the motorway minutes after it happened. I just sat on he driveway of the house shaking when I got in.

It was a good afternoon despite that though.

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