
I had the day off as the electricity to the office was switched off for maintenance.

I decided to have a lazy morning doing not a lot. Headed over to see Mum and Jock in time for lunch, Jock's Dad was there to, which was really nice. Mum and I then went into town as my wedding dress was ready to try on. Unfortunately I forgot to tell the lady I would be coming in as she stores the ordered dresses else where, so we are going back on Saturday. As it was such a nice day we went to Castle Douglas to pick up a jacket. I treated mum to an ice cream and we headed home the long way round to see if we could see the part of Criffel effected by the fire last night. We could not see anything but could smell the burning. The news reports for the night say that the fires are out now.

Had a lovely dinner with Mum and Jock (macaroni cheese and a slice of cheese Herman). After dinner we went up the field to check the sheep and enjoy the sunshine. It was good that we did as one of the sheep needed a hand to deliver her second lamb. In order to do this we took her to the shed and Jock caught her and delivered the second lamb.

Shona :0)

(written 29.3.12)

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