Prairie Dog Squirrel?
To me, this looks more like the round-tailed ground squirrel. It resembles a tiny prairie dog, and shares some of its habits but the two animals are not related. He likes munching on those wild berries. He lives mainly in the lower woodlands.
When I saw it scoot past me, I knew it was a squirrel, but when it stood up, it did look like a prairie dog. A rock squirrel is similar but doesn't have as much that prairie dog look.
I'm exhausted today. Yesterday took everything out of me because when I dehydrate all I want to do is sleep. I came very close to dozing while driving the past two days. I will just sleep now as I did after my blip yesterday. It seems to be a never ending cycle. I sleep therefore I'm not drinking. Lids now closing at the keyboard. Zzzz....
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